EU governments have individually embraced severe austerity programmes in an effort to avoid becoming the next Portugal. This column presents results from the National Institute Global Econometric Model suggesting that these individually rational polices are leading to collective folly. Keynes’ 'paradox of thrift' is in full swing since EU nations continue to act like small open economies while in fact they are a large closed economy.
Is austerity –
particularly the fiscal consolidation programmes currently under way in
most EU countries – self-defeating? DeLong and Summers (2012) have
argued that, in current economic circumstances, the negative impact of
fiscal consolidation on growth may be so great that the impact on
debt-GDP ratios will be perverse, causing them to rise rather than fall.
This question has been thrown into sharp focus by the IMF’s belated
reassessment of the magnitude of the “fiscal multiplier” in major
industrialised countries during the Great Recession (IMF 2012), although
their methodology, which is clearly not definitive, has been questioned
by Giles (2012).
In recent research,
we make the first attempt – to our knowledge – to model the quantitative
impact of coordinated fiscal consolidation across the EU, using the
National Institute Global Econometric Model, and taking account of the
current economic conjuncture (Holland and Portes 2012).
The main conclusion is:
- While in 'normal times', fiscal consolidation would lead to a fall in debt-to-GDP ratios, in current circumstances fiscal consolidation is indeed likely to be 'self-defeating' for the EU collectively.
- The fiscal consolidation plans currently in train will lead to higher – not lower – debt ratios in 2013 in the EU as a whole.
- This will also be true in almost all individual EU nations, including the UK
- Ireland is an exception.
Coordinated austerity in a depression is indeed self-defeating.
Right tactics, wrong strategy
The implication is
that the current strategy being pursued by individual Member States, as
well as the EU as a whole, is fundamentally flawed. Even on its own
terms, it is making matters worse.
We begin by
estimating fiscal multipliers in “normal” times. As in much of the
previous literature, multipliers are generally less than one, and
smaller for more open economies. However, with most economies currently
depressed, and with interest rates at or near the zero lower bound,
there are several reasons why one might expect the negative impact of
fiscal consolidation on growth to be greater now than in “normal” times.
First, under normal
circumstances a tightening in fiscal policy can be expected to be
accommodated by a relaxation in monetary policy. As monetary policy
loosens, long-term interest rates fall, stimulating investment and
offsetting part of the fiscal contraction. However, with interest rates
already at exceptionally low levels, further tightening of fiscal
policy is unlikely to result in such an offsetting monetary policy
reaction. While quantitative easing/credit easing measures have been
introduced, the effects of these measures are also limited by low
interest rates on ‘risk-free’ assets, and it is unclear that they have a
significant impact on the risk premia attached to assets that bear a
greater risk of default.
Second, during a
downturn, when unemployment is high and job security low, a greater
percentage of households and firms are likely to find themselves
liquidity constrained. In the presence of perfect capital markets and
forward-looking consumers with perfect foresight, households will smooth
their consumption path over time, and consumer spending will be largely
invariant to the state of the economy or temporary fiscal innovations.
However, in a prolonged period of depressed activity, this is unlikely
to be the case.
Finally, with all
countries consolidating simultaneously, output in each country is
reduced not just by fiscal consolidation domestically, but by that in
other countries (through trade linkages). In the European Union, such
spillover effects are likely to be large.
The impact of fiscal consolidation 2011-2013
We now consider the
impact of the actual fiscal programmes announced and enacted for 2011-13
in the EU. Fiscal policy became contractionary in all countries in our
sample in 2011, with the deepest consolidation measures introduced in
Portugal, Ireland and Greece – the three countries on bail-out
programmes. Cumulative measures over the three-year period amount to
close to 10 per cent of GDP in Greece and Portugal and 8% of GDP in
Ireland. Consolidation measures amounting to 5%-6% of GDP are planned in
France, Italy, Spain and the UK, while only a modest adjustment is
planned in Germany and Austria.
In order to assess
the impact of these planned consolidation packages on GDP, the deficit
and the stock of government debt, we consider two alternative scenarios.
In the first scenario, we implement the policy plans detailed in Table
1, under the assumption that the economy is behaving as in ‘normal’
times, eg. with flexible interest rates that do not bind, and liquidity
constraints in line with the long-run average. In the second scenario,
we allow for an impaired interest rate channel and heightened liquidity
constraints; assumptions we consider more realistic under current
Table 1 reports the
estimated impact of the planned consolidation programmes in Europe on
GDP under the two scenarios, while Table 2 reports the impact on
debt-GDP ratios. These scenarios were run with all countries
consolidating simultaneously, and so capture the spillover effects of
policies between countries.
Table 1. Impact of consolidation programmes on GDP
Scenario 1 reflects expected impact were the economies operating near
equilibrium. Scenario 2 allows for heightened liquidity constraints and
impaired interest rate adjustment.
Figure 1. Impact of consolidation on government debt ratio, 2013
The negative impacts
of consolidation on growth in the second scenario are much larger than
in “normal” times. Moreover, the result of this in turn is that fiscal
consolidation increases rather than reduces the debt-GDP ratio in every
country except Ireland. This seemingly perverse outcome reflects the
relatively modest adjustment to the stock of debt in the numerator of
this ratio compared to the sharp contractions expected in the level of
GDP in the denominator of the ratio. While the level of debt is expected
to decline in most countries, the rate of decline cannot keep pace with
the drop in output, leading to a rise in the debt-to-GDP ratio.
It is particularly
striking that this is not just true in extreme cases like Greece; fiscal
consolidation across the EU has the effect of increasing rather than
reducing debt-GDP ratios in Germany and the UK as well. In both the UK
and the Eurozone as a whole, the result of coordinated fiscal
consolidation is a rise in the debt-GDP ratio of approximately five
percentage points.
Of course, one
argument frequently advanced in support of fiscal consolidation
programmes is that they will reduce government borrowing premia in
countries with high debt and deficits. But these simulations show that
the opposite may in fact be the case: if we were to allow for endogenous
feedback from the government debt ratio to government borrowing premia,
this would in fact raise interest rates, exacerbate the negative
effects on output, and in turn make debt-GDP ratios even worse; truly a
“death spiral” .
It has been argued
that the poor growth performance of most EU countries (including the UK
as well as Eurozone countries) in the last two years cannot be primarily
attributed to fiscal consolidation, given the historical evidence on
its impacts. This paper suggests the contrary: when account is taken of
the magnified impact of consolidation in a depressed economy, and of
the spillover effects of coordinated fiscal consolidation across almost
EU countries, fiscal multipliers will indeed be considerably elevated,
and the impact on growth correspondingly larger.
The direct
implication is that the policies pursued by EU countries over the recent
past have had perverse and damaging effects. Our simulations suggest
that coordinated fiscal consolidation has not only had substantially
larger negative impacts on growth than expected, but has actually had
the effect of raising rather than lowering debt-GDP ratios, precisely as
some critics have argued. Not only would growth have been higher if
such policies had not been pursued, but debt-GDP ratios would have been
It is particularly
ironic that, given that the EU was set up in part to avoid precisely
such 'prisoner's dilemma' type problems in economic policy coordination,
it should currently be delivering the exact opposite. Current policy
looks less like optimal coordination – and more like a suicide pact.
Spero che abbiate gradito.
Stay tuned!
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